Friday, February 21, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Timbuk 3 - Greetings from Timbuk 3

Timbuk 3 - Greetings from Timbuk 3

October 1986
Timbuk 3
Greetings from Timbuk 3
Genre: How the fuck have I not heard this record?!?
4.5 out of 5 (Shame on You is not great)

The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades
Life is Hard
Facts About Cats

I never heard this band. But I heard that single. I mean, who didn’t? When my roommate and his writing partner sold their first script, the attached letter from their agent said, “They’re future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.”
It was a ubiquitous statement, the “All that and a bag of chips” of it’s time. 
But that time was short lived as hell. 
And the shame of it is that it’s not the best track on the record. That’s the rest of the album cuz, dammit, there’s not a clunker on here. 
The trouble with T3 is they SOUND like a novelty band. Like they are sending up roots rock. They wear their sense of humor on their sleeves so, how to take them seriously, especially when they write light and frothy goofball tracks like “Hairstyles and Attitudes” which could be a TMBG song and they do it so effortlessly???

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