Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Jesters of Destiny - Fun at the Funeral

Jesters of Destiny - Fun at the Funeral

September 1986
Jesters of Destiny
Fun at the Funeral
Genre: Psychedelic Metal
4.5 out of 5

Dig gin’ That Grave 
I Hate Bruce
Crimson Umbrella
Love Dust

Wow, is this thing weird. 
It is exactly as described in the genre. And at first You think it wouldn’t work but then you remember that the early Sabbath albums had more in common with psychedelia they did with shred metal that would come later. So, to me, this is actually one of the most popular forms of “metal quote that we’ve heard so far. It’s a damn shame that they never were able to secure another record deal or put another album out at least for another 20+ years. I would like to see what they had become. 

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