Friday, February 21, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy - Distressed Gentlefolk

The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy - Distressed Gentlefolk

October 1986
The Jazz Butcher Consipiracy
Distressed Gentlefolk
Genre: Rock
4.25 out of 5

Falling in Love
Big Bad Thing
Buffalo Shame
Nothing Special

How best to describe the latest from The Jazz Butcher? 
Maybe like this: Imagine you put out two or more excellent genre defying albums of the 80s that few people care about, don’t get radio play, doesn’t make a dent on the charts but are all excellent and it’s time to follow it up. 
You can either aim for commercialism as deftly as possible, forsaking everything you once stood for.
You can double down on your songwriting, craft and sense of whimsy and fun.
That’s what Pat Fish and the gang does here. 
It’s a bit paisley, a lot buskery, jangly and dreamy and just damned great. 

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