Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Benjamin Orr - The Lace

Benjamin Orr - The Lace

October 6 1986
Benjamin Orr
The Lace
Genre: New Wave
3.5 out of 5

Too Hot to Stop
In Circles

The Cars.
They were so simple and catchy and perfect. Like chewing Bubble Yum. The only gum that didn’t immediately lose their flavor after 20 chews. And they had something mysterious in them that people tried to pretend were spider eggs to scare kids from consuming them by the truckload. 
There’s no simile between spider eggs and The Cars or this album, which sounds so much like a Cars album it makes me wonder who was the actual brains behind the Boston band.
In the end, The Lace sounds more like a middling Rick Springfield record. 

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