Friday, February 21, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Roxette - Pearls of Passion

Roxette - Pearls of Passion

October 31 1986
Pearls of Passion
Genre: SynthPop
3 out of 5

Soul Deep

I’m sitting in my car, cranking the Possessed album, wishing I had done something else with my life when all of a sudden I’m met by a decidedly 80s, four in the floor beat, with horns and the high pitch shouting of Marie Fredriksson and something that sounds like an actual song and, at first, I’m grateful after all that shredtastic nonsense. 
This is harmless Swedish Pop that, I am sure, will get better. In fact, I know there are more interesting Swedish bands/groups on the horizon and maybe this one has something more to offer but this is pretty middle of the synth pop road with not much to recommend it. Songs like “Surrender” and “Call of the Wild” and “From One Heart to Another” are more enticing than what the band offered as singles. I almost like them.

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