Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Chicago - Chicago 18

Chicago - Chicago 18

September 28 1986
Chicago 18
Genre: David Foster
1.5 out of 5

I was driving on the 405 with my son, coming back from Tae Kwon Do. LA traffic is horrible but not just because of the amount of cars, the drivers are all assholes who think that if they can just get ONE.MORE. CAR. LENGTH ahead they will win some kind of award or something. 
They merge out of the blue, often illegally. They pass on the right when they aren’t supposed to. It’s generally horrible. 
I notice all of this much more after 30 years of driving here because I have a smart car that takes care of much of this for me. 
So, when the car swerves to avoid an accident it screams at me and I make sure I am in total control. 
When that happened today the thought that went through my head was, “Dammit, please don’t make Chicago the last fucking thing I hear before I die.”

I hate this album.

And I still don’t understand what “25 or 6 to 4” means. And once I learned what it meant, I hated it even more. 

This is what a really REALLY shitty Tubes album sounds like. Seriously. 

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