Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Ric Ocasek - This Side of Paradise

Ric Ocasek - This Side of Paradise

September 15 1986
Ric Ocasek
This Side of Paradise
Genre: New Wave
2.25 out of 5

Coming for You

True Love

One of my favorite episodes of Star Trek is called, “This Side of Paradise”. There are spores. Jill Ireland. 🖖 falls in love. Kirk declares his love his ship. It’s tense. 
Emotional. This album is not. 
It’s a Cars album without the drummer. Instead, Chris Hughes of Adam and the Ants fame drums on it. But Elliot Easton is on here, along with Roland Orzibal and GE Smith. And Greg Hawkes, my least favorite part of The Cars, is all over it on bass and keys. 
So, it’s basically a Cars record. 
Only not nearly as crisply produced, which is weird considering Ric’s later successes. 
Just 2 years earlier this sound was the top of the pops. 
Now it just sounds old.
“Not Tonight”, the single by The New Cars, featuring Todd Rundgren, is better than anything on this record.

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