Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Evan Johns and the H-Bombs - The Jungle Record/Rollin' Through the Night

Evan Johns and the H-Bombs - The Jungle Record/Rollin' Through the Night

1986 Housekeeping
Evan Johns and the H-Bombs
The Jungle Record/Rollin’ Through the Night
Genre: Rockabilly
The Jungle Record
3.25 out of 5
Rollin’ Through the Night
3.75 out of 5

Vacation Time
Rollin’ Through the Night

On my old blog I used to occasionally do two records by a band at once and call it a “Doubleshot”. So, this is the first FB LP Doubleshot. 

I’ve never heard of Evan Johns. I had no idea he and his H-Bombs put out two records in 1986. I didn’t know that Jello Biafra was his angel, of sorts. 

Everything on the first record is almost good enough but not great enough to give a crap about. even when it’s whimsical (“Hey Whew!”) it still feels toothless. Now, I say that as someone who wants more caffeine in my coffee but the fact is this is very much in line with the tempered sounds of 50s Rock and Roll. I wish that was something I wanted but it doesn’t do it for me. 

The next offering, Rollin’ Through the Night, amps everything up toward Rev. Horton Heat levels. The Psychobilly growl emerges and it’s a lot more menacing. 

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