Friday, March 6, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Slovenly - Thinking of Empire

Slovenly - Thinking of Empire

1986 Housekeeping
Thinking of Empire
Genre: Alternative
4.5 out of 5

Cartwheels of Glory

Another damned shame. Slovenly was, yes, on the punk SST label but their sound is so decidedly better than what you think of when you hear that word. Although, they are a bit slovenly. Like they are about to fall apart but totally have it together. I swore they were playing 5/4 or 7/4 in “Distended” and then we counted it out and it seems that the drummer is just so fucking awesome that he is hitting hard on unexpected beats that make everything sound…slovenly. 
It’s more akin to Minutemen but with strangely dank leanings. Like a beat poetry backing band learned to play with D. Boon, et al and then recorded their own stuff. Even the instrumentals are dynamic and worth your time.

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