Saturday, March 21, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Paul Kelly and the Colored Girls - Gossip

Paul Kelly and the Colored Girls - Gossip

September 1986
Paul Kelly and the Colored Girls
Genre: Teetering on the fine line of Busker&Power Pop Rock
4.25 out of 5

Leaps and Bounds
Down the Speedway
Tighten Up
Look So Fine, Feel So Low

Wow, is this…one helluva a sprawling American debut. But, hey, if you’re Australian you go big or you don’t go at all, huh?
I don’t know much of Kelly’s work with the Dots but I liked Post enough from last year. This time he sounds less like an electric busker with a backing band and more like the front man of a muscular rock band, one that’s ready made for 3000 seat arenas and American audiences. Given a full hour+ of Paul the mind does tend to wander. Is he trying to sound like Lennon on “Before Too Long” or is that just his voice? Is that why it was a hit? Is that why no one really cared about him afterwards? Cuz he sounded like a Beatles rip off?

This is such a delightful hodgepodge of listenable tunes that it’s a damn shame that it’s long. I would have preferred one album and then another in a year. Release the first half in 86, then tour, go all across the US and then release the next one and continue and keep going and never leave the road, never see your family again, if you have one, live in hotels, man!

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