Friday, March 6, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Thee Mighty Caesers - Thee Mighty Caesers of Trash

Thee Mighty Caesers - Thee Mighty Caesers of Trash

1986 Housekeeping
Thee Mighty Caesers
Thee Caesars of Trash
Genre: Garage Revival
2.5 out of 5

Requisite 80s cover: “Not Fade Away”. it’s hard to kill this song. But Childish tries. “Jack the Ripper” by Link Wray. Uninteresting. The Sonics’ “Psycho”, which is…fine, I guess. All of this is unnecessary.

Boy, did Billy Childish put out a lot of music for a guy nobody talks about. But you know what I am reminded of as I listen to this perfectly fine revisit to the sounds of 60s garage rock? The 00s. The Hives and the Vines and The White Stripes and how that sound, in 2003, was considered refreshing and groundbreaking but, in reality, was probably just a rehash of this, which is a rehash of the Munsters. 

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