Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Waxing Poetics - Hermitage

Waxing Poetics - Hermitage

1986 Housekeeping
Waxing Poetics
Genre: REM brought this on. 
4.25 out of 5

Beauty and the Beatitudes
If You Knew Sushi
This Parade

We’re not breaking new ground here. This is just an example of a perfectly acceptable paisley revival type/Byrds influenced band that was produced by Mitch Easter and assisted by Mike Mills and that’s probably why its so delicious. 
Think Guadalcanal Diary. 
I don’t say this like it’s a bad thing. In fact, if all of this was happening today there would be one super festival of all these bands jangling out and selling fringe and tie-dye. And I would be there, at Jangle-Fest.
I wish this band had caught on. I really liked this record. 

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