Thursday, June 25, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Telex - Neurovision

Telex - Neurovision

May 1980
Genre: SynthPop
2.75 out of 5

Requisite 80s cover: “Dance To The Music” by Sly Stone. I’ll say this: it sounds like it was done by robots and makes me think of “We Are the Robots” by Kraftwerk and I like this better than that song. 

There are a handful of bands that perfectly exemplify what people think the 80s are all about. The sound of day-glo and pastel shapes. Completely impractical glasses with slits like window shades that are imPOSsible to see through. Rudimentary computer graphics and cut up sweat shirts and sweatbands. So many sweatbands. 
M’s “Pop Muzik” sounds like that. The Buggles’ “Video Killed the Radio Star”. Devo. The Cars. 
And Telex. 
Telex SMELLS like “80s”. When it was pretending to not be disco but it really was disco. 
I’ve said it before: It’s impossible to hate Telex. I can’t see myself ever loving them, but hate them? No. I want to shoot them into space as an example of a small window into a smaller window of pop culture that came to represent an entire decade when it really only represents a couple years. 

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