Thursday, June 18, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Axe - Living on the Edge

Axe - Living on the Edge

1980 Housekeeping
Living on the Edge
Genre: Mainstream Metal
3.25 out of 5

Carry On

Requisite 80s cover: An attempt at blues breaking, smoky bar band version of “I Can’t Help Myself”. No one needs this. 

Mike Curb.
Can we talk about Mike Curb for a minute? 
See, this band was signed to his production company. And it sounds good, like a heavy glam record would sound like in 1980. 
But, Mike Curb. 
That Mike Curb.
No one talks about him.
I promised that this page would not turn political and it won’t but, Mike Curb. How many songwriters (besides Sonny Bono) would go on to run for higher office? 
Yes, that Mike Curb became the Lt. Governor of California. And a NASCAR car owner. And a philanthropist who gifted millions to CSUN. I mean, the guy really has lived life to his highest ideals and had more than a small impact on the music business.
He scored movies and wrote songs for Elvis and Orbison and the Osmonds and more.
I’m sitting here writing reviews of old albums that get sent into the ephemera. 
That’s really something.

This album is fine MOR guitar/synth rock. That’s it. The only reason I know of the Curb connection is that it’s listed on the Discogs page. 

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