Thursday, June 25, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Gary Moore - G-Force

Gary Moore - G-Force

May 30 1980
Gary Moore
Genre: Guitar Hero
2.5 out of 5

I loved G Force the tv show. It was like Voltron. Actually, it was more like Power Rangers and I think one stole the idea from the other. Only G Force was a bunch of action pilots who dressed like birds and converge their vehicles to make giant…you get the picture. 
We used to watch it after school.
It was anime trash but we loved it. 
This G Force is more trash by the ego that is known as Gary Moore. 
It’s what Paul Stanley would sound like if he went pure Power Rock and Gene Simmons wasn’t around. 
Except that I believe Paul would sound better than this pap. 
Everything on this screams that it should be better than it is but it’s so bloated and self important that it’s impossible to enjoy.
The band can play. “Dancin’” proves that. But it’s a lot of no there there. 

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