Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - R. Stevie Moore - Clack!

R. Stevie Moore - Clack!

March 3 1980
R. Stevie Moore
Genre: DIY
3.5 out of 5

Requisite 80s cover: “Chantilly Lace” which Moore ushers into the crunch of a burgeoning alternative sound. 

Before Daniel Johnston, apparently, there was R. Stevie Moore. Who recorded this record while living in Montclair, N.J. where my parents lived at the time. 
There’s a charm to these tracks. Yes, it’s professionally recorded and there are actual musicians on it, which is apparently a first for Moore, but it’s hard to resist the almost guileless indulgence. It sounds like the music that would be made by a guy who either showed up on The Uncle Floyd Show or on WFMU.
Moore did both. 
The cover is the best thing on here but I appreciate and applaud the effort. 
And it should be noted that this is not the first Moore record but, rather, just one of the 400!!!! albums he has issued over his lifetime.
AND! I listened to this album but didn’t realize that it is a DOUBLE record so I had to go back and finish less than a couple hours before it was scheduled to post.
Did it change the review?
Well, I did enjoy the weirdo “Teen Routines” that sounded like 1975 Sparks…and that prog-gram sensibility did pervade the rest of the album, at times showing Moore’s attempt to reach Beatles-esque latter day baroque styles but it still just left me wanting. 
However, I have to give special props to the sheer DIY audacity demonstrated here. Moore is doing his thing and there’s a value to applauding that. 

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