Thursday, June 25, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - The Chords - So Far Away

The Chords - So Far Away

The Chords
So Far Away
Genre: Power Mod
Rating: Original Pressing: 5 out of 5
(But it should be a 4.75 for that crap cover)

Maybe Tomorrow
Tumbling Down
Hold On
I’m Not Sure
Something’s Missing
It’s No Use
So Far Away

Requisite 80s cover: “She Said, She Said”. Totally unnecessary cover that actually dragged the record down a step. It makes me, gulp, wanna go listen to the original. How I wish they had covered The Kinks instead. 

You know what’s fun? Writing reviews for terrible bands. Terrible albums. That shit’s like purging corrosive out of a pipe. It’s liquid plumr for a critic’s soul, built up after hearing album after album of mediocrity.
Or! Writing a review that is really a touchstone for a memory or a feeling. 
You know what’s a bitch? 
Coming up with aNOther way to say, “Holy crap, this album is terrific! Where has it been my whole life? How did I miss this and why don’t more people know about it?”
That’s this record. 
Just a dynamite collection of Mod Revival that fits neatly into any record collection that includes, wait for it…The Vapors. Duh. You put this on your turntable with their record and any great Jam album. This would sound great with Sound Affects. 
I don’t now where he’s been for 35 years but, apparently, Chris Pope and the Chords put out a bunch of music in the past few years and The Vapors released an album THIS year (2020) and I gotta get to both of those, especially after hearing this record. 

The entire record is in the YouTube list but half of it is on a release on Apple Music (and Spotify_ so I am including both links here. 

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