Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Grace Slick - Dreams

Grace Slick - Dreams

March 18 1980
Grace Slick
Genre: Rock Chanteuse
1 out of 5

Grace Slick is magic. She manages to sound all at once like an accomplished singer and one who can’t hold a note. At the same time!!!
She presents as Grand Dame of TheatriRock but can’t hold a candle to rasp-voiced Bonnie Tyler. 
She wants to be ethereal and wispy and mysterious but concedes that ground always to Stevie Nicks. 
And Slick is left with nothing and no place to go except back to her safe haven of garbage rock of Starship. 
She’s hired a bunch of songwriters or bought a bunch of songs, all of which are twice as long as they should be and then, toward the end of Side One and all through Side Two, gives up on those and fills the record with her own stabs. 
And it just gets worse. One shitty ballad after another. Get back on that Starship, Grace. 

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