Friday, August 30, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Jane Siberry - The Speckless Sky

Jane Siberry - The Speckless Sky

1985 Housekeeping
Jane Siberry
The Speckless Sky
Genre: Alternative
4.5 out of 5

Vladimir Vladimir
Map of the World Pt. II

Ok, HERE’s where the 90s—

Just kidding. 

I get Joan Osbourne, Jill Sobule and Jane Siberry mixed up. I always think Jane was the one who recorded “One of Us” or “I Kissed a Girl”. And she sang neither so I have no idea why I know her. (And before you call me sexist, it’s not cuz they are all interchangeable women singer songwriters. It’s cuz their names all start with the same letter and I’m really not that smart).
I would’ve thought I might have come across her work during my review days cuz I might’ve enjoyed this. There’s a Kate Bush meets Lisa Germano element that I can get behind. 
Unlike some of the mid-80s rockers trying to keep the New Wave banner waving and missing, Siberry is bathing in it. And scoring (“Mein Bitte”).

This album is rewarding and lovely.  

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