Monday, August 19, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - James Taylor - That's Why I'm Here

James Taylor - That's Why I'm Here

October 17 1985
James Taylor
That’s Why I’m Here
Genre: Adult Contemporary
3.25 out of 5

Turn Away

I used to spend my summers in Bar Harbor, Maine. 
From 1978 - 1985 and then once more in 1988. 
The radio station was all soft rock at the time. We had no satellites back then. 
With Saturday Night Live off for the summer they didn’t run no rerun up in Maine. No no no. There was some garbage country fair type backwoods Lawrence Welk type show in it’s stead. 
We didn’t really have any buskers that I recall. But if we did, no doubt they would all have been James Taylor clones. (And this isn’t really fair since the local musical watering hole, Geddy’s, would have Taj Mahal in every year for a stint)
I was young. What I would see in my limited capacity was what I wanted to see. Jaundiced and jaded, I guess.
For me, this music is the sound of a time and a place that hadn’t quite caught up with the rest of the world. 
For better or worse, globalization and the internet has altered that landscape. I haven’t been back. I might not ever go back. Lots of memories and I don’t want them replaced. I want my Bar Harbor to be the way I remembered it in the 80s. 
Riding my scooter down Cottage St., with a James Taylor soundtrack playing in the montage, wind in my thick, wavy 17 year old’s hair, rear end of the car in front of me stopping short, flying off the handles, scraping the entire side of my face on the concrete.

Good times.

Softening Buddy Holly to the point of utter toothlessness is…sad. And annoying. 

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