Monday, January 20, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Skinny Puppy - Bites

Skinny Puppy - Bites

August 1985
Skinny Puppy
Genre: Industrial/Dance
3.75 out of 5
I never went to The Limelight. I don’t know why. Pyramid Club, either. I did walk around Palladium once. But it was barren by the time I got there. The same with Area. Although rumor had it Michael Stipe was seen shooting up in a bathroom at Area. Someone took my picture there while I was wearing the leather jacket my girlfriend gave me. She wanted to charge me $10 for the print the next day. I think she was stunned that I showed up. I didn’t pay for it. Probably should have. Went to Nell’s a couple times. Eh. Tunnel was fun but that’s because it was in an actual tunnel. And that was a sort of cool novelty. Had more fun at some dive bar we used to hang out at on the west side. Can’t recall the name. We used to all hang out outside.
This is the music from all of those places. None of them were really that satisfying. But they served their purpose for a couple hours on a Saturday night I guess.
They do this very very well. But, like anything of this ilk, it wears out its welcome about 2/3 the way through. But, who’s gonna listen to this straight through? I mean, ya gotta break it up with, I dunno, suicide attempts, right?

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