Friday, January 17, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Bevis Frond - The Bevis Frond

The Bevis Frond - The Bevis Frond

1986 Housekeeping
The Bevis Frond
The Bevis Frond 
Genre: Psychedelic Lo Fi
3.75 out of 5

She’s in Love with Time
Ride the Train of Thought

Here’s a thing about me that I only learned this year:
I don’t really have a high end to my hearing. Apparently, I never have. I have ALWAYS turned the treble way up and the bass way down because my ears are searching for the high end and it’s not there. 
This means that I have saved a lot of money on woofers and sub woofers but also I think some sound systems are better than others when others find them too tinny. 

This album is too tinny for me. That should be saying something. 

Who knows this band? I mean, anyone? They are STILL making records! 
Who is Nick Saloman?
For the genre this is actually perfectly Strawberry Alarm Clock. 
I wonder about guys like this. And Bobb Trimble. And Martin Newell. And the Freeze Dried Mice or whatever they are called. 
Are they like Harvey Pekar? Do they all have day jobs as office clerks and this is their hobby? 
That’s gotta be it, right? Passion projects? Gotta be. 

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