Monday, January 6, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Legendary Pink Dots - Jewel on an Island

The Legendary Pink Dots - Jewel on an Island

1986 Housekeeping
The Legendary Pink Dots
Jewel On An Island
Genre: Goth Pink Floydwerk
1.75 out of 5

I am still unsure of why this band continues. They want to be gothy but they never get there enough for me. They want to be experimental electronica but they shy away from jumping all the way into that as well. 
They *sound* important but they never seem to get there, either. So I don’t know who this is for or why one would listen to it. 

FYI, they have an additional 32 records after this one. 

How has there not been a documentary about these guys?

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