Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The 1981 Listening Post - Classic Nouveaux - Night People

 Classic Nouveaux - Night People


May 1981

Classic Nouveaux

Night People

Genre: shallow dance rock that’s utterly pretentious but not unattractive*

3.75 out of 5


Run Away

What is it about this record…? I like a lot of it but I am also turned off by a lot of it. 

Like that first, cinematic instrumental works but then it pours in to a Dead or Alive style dance rock “Guilty”, which, let’s be honest, predates DoA so that’s a good thing but, it’s in the same vein and the synthesis of Disco/Goth is still looking for that hook, which Pete Burns and the band was able to latch onto for huge success. The pure ugliness meets clubland of “Run Away” is at once off putting and nearly charming. Weird. 

In many ways Night People anticipates a sound that is about to go huge and it nearly reaches that level. It’s almost a harbinger of what’s to come except that, in many ways, Gary Numan already did that. But this takes it a step further into the macabre. 

Hard to hate. Not that easy to love. 

I do love that someone put “623 (Night People)” to a video. Which works perfectly.

*Stolen from the Trouser Press review. Because, I felt the exact same way but couldn’t put my finger on what I did and didn’t like about it at first.

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