Friday, December 17, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - Dorian Gray - Dorian Gray

 Dorian Gray - Dorian Gray

1980 Housekeeping

Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray

Genre: Glam

1.5 out of 5

I know it probably seems cool to name your band Dorian Gray and even your album by that name but, dammit, it’s near impossible to search. There are SO many albums by someone named or a an album called or a reading of the book of Dorian Gray.

And mentioning Spiders from Mars in that first couplet…that’s intriguing. Made more so by the fact that “Galactic Stranger” (“galactic…like Ziggy…right?) sounds like it could be an interpolation of any Ziggy Stardust song. Without any of the charm or the nuance or craft. 

When they aren’t referencing Bowie songs or their namesake, they write weird songs about “Catcher in the Rye”. 

Geez, “Love is Life” is so obviously an interpolation of “Space Oddity” that it hurts. 

This album seems to go on forever, but that’s due to the lack of song focus. The title song gets close but, boy Is this singer awful. 

And “Trilogy”, a terrible song, keeps singing about “We were only five years away…” so…they are worshipping at Ziggy’s feet but, man, they don’t have it.

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