Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The 1981 Listening Post - 20/20 - Look Out!

 20/20 - Look Out!


May 1981


Look Out!

Genre: Power Pop

3.75 out of 5


Nuclear Boy

Out of My Head

Life in the U.S.A. 

The number of words that have been spilled about a guitar driven rock sound that gets pounded into submission and disappears for the next, new thing. I mean, remember, Grunge killed hair metal? 

But Power Pop just killed itself. Because, after the success of The Knack, every single axe slinger who could put together a V-C-V-C-B-IV-C song slapped on a skinny tie and found a killer bassist and tight drummer and went to town.

By 1981 it appears that was over. But there are some stragglers and for them, I am grateful. 

This is one of those records.

Thing is, you jangle this shit up a bit and add some paisley pop or southern twang and you end up with REM and the like. Look, I know that I am biased. I love this kind of music. It’s pure joy to me. When it’s done well I just wanna bask in it. I’m not gonna apologize for that.

In the case of this 20/20 record, I don’t need to. It’s a perfectly fine example of a form that is burning itself out. 

Could “Out of My Head” sound more like a Beatles track if it was written by Todd Rundgren? Nope. It could have fallen off Deface the Music.

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