Monday, December 20, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - The Fred Banana Combo -The Fred Banana Combo

The Fred Banana Combo - The Fred Banana Combo

1980 Housekeeping

The Fred Banana Combo

The Fred Banana Combo

Genre: Goofball Rock

2.25 out of 5

The deconstructed Saturday morning kid show psychosis of the Beatles’ “She Loves You”, is a weird way to open a debut record and declare your presence. But, hey, it was 1980 and if the Dickies could take on “Paranoid”, Fred Banana can handle this.

This bonkers release is speckled with covers, like “Runaway” that aren’t anything ground breaking. “Yesterday” is another deconstruction and, coupling that with uninteresting originals drops any affection I might have had for the Bananas going in. 

The Germanic monotone of “Johnny B. Goode” sort of says everything about this group to me. Listless and dull but above it all while wanting to be a part of the club.

They try on “No Destination Blues”. It’s derivative but it has energy.

Track 11 came up as corrupted when I tried to play it. 

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