Friday, February 25, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Savoy Brown - Rock and Roll Warriors

 Savoy Brown - Rock and Roll Warriors


1981 Housekeeping

Savoy Brown

Rock and Roll Warriors

Genre: Blues Breaking Rock

4 out of 5


Don’t Tell Me I Told You

Bad Girls (Make Me Feel Good)

Requisite 80s cover: “Lay Back in the Arms of Someone”, a ChinniChap tune that was recorded by Smokie and is rendered lovely here.

Honestly, I think I could have highlighted just about any track here. It’s all perfectly acceptable blues you’d hear at the pub. The vocals by Ralph Mormon are a little too shrieky for me but, whatever, they aren’t reinventing the wheel or anything. 

I don’t know Savoy Brown, were they always like this? Did they ever have a hit? How have they been around so long? 

Whatever, good for them.

They know how to do this and, by the end of the night, you’ll have had a few pints in ya and maybe you worked up the courage to dance with the girl in the cutoffs. 

She doesn’t want anything to do with you cuz…well…yer you. But, that’s fine. In your mind you had a shot.

And, weirdly, you will never forget her. Cuz the incongruity of her in that red & white tied off shirt and the fact that her face looked just like the actress who played Sarah Smith, the 4th Doctor’s companion caused you to be dumbstruck and knocked back on your heels but maybe that was the pint of Guiness talking.

Anyway. You’re not driving tonight. And that’s a good thing. It’s cold in the city tonight. You’ll walk back to your dorm in a haze. You’ll pass out in your clothes and wake up the next day stinking of clove cigarettes and beer. “Lay Back in the Arms of Someone” clangs around in your brain as your roommate walks his date to the door…

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