Friday, February 25, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - King Crimson - Discipline

 King Crimson - Discipline


September 22 1981

King Crimson


Genre: Very Prog

3.75 out of 5

What I know about King Crimson begins and ends with the words “In the court of the Crimson King”. I’ve actually eschewed that song and everything KC for my entire life. The same way that I managed to avoid all of Genesis’ pre-Collins led work until I decided to dive into their catalog or how I managed to not see Gone with the Wind until I was in my 40s. 

The latter was a big ol heaping helping of meh. 

The former was a revelation of delicious experimentation and theatrirock. 

So, what is Crimson? 

It’s like The Residents occupied the brains and muscles of that version of Genesis and made an album.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve decided that pretentious things are less interesting to me than heartfelt and honest things. I would rather watch a 30 second tv commercial if it chokes me up than sit through 5 minutes of David Lynch’s weather report. 

The playing is immaculate but, come on, if I want to hear something like “The Trees” by Rush, I won’t go to “Frame by Frame”, I will cue up “The Trees”. By Rush. It’s kind of remarkable how much Chris Cornell sounded like he wanted to sing like Adrian Belew.

It’s all very well done and I do love the percussion but, in the end, it’s a journey to nowhere. 

For technical prowess I give it a 4.5 but for enjoyment…less.

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