Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Biting Tongues - Don't Heal

 Biting Tongues - Don't Heal

1981 Housekeeping

Biting Tongues

Don’t Heal

Genre: Post-Acid Rock

2.75 out of 5

Ok, yeah, yeah, my generation gave us Day-Glo and gated drumming and a host of egregious smears on pop culture. I know. Guilty.

But we didn’t invent beat poetry and that is worse than any pretentious thing Gen X ever put out into the universe. 

So, imagine what Beat Poetry would sound like if it was set to a musical bed of post-rock space gaze but the speaker/singer (Spinger?) was from Manchester and that’s what Biting Tongues sounds like. 

They know how to do this and it’s perfectly fine but it really could just be one long track and you would never notice.


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