Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Paul Davis - Cool Night

 Paul Davis - Cool Night


August 1981

Paul Davis

Cool Night

Genre: Soft Rock

3.75 out of 5


Cool Night

You Came To Me

’65 Love Affair

Oh, summertime. 

You borrow your parents’ car and drive the same 3 blocks in the summer town, cruising for…what, exactly? I don’t know. I barely remember. Sometimes you’d drive off the beaten path and end up lost on the Maine roads between the the Harbors. The cops find you sleeping in your Dad’s Dodge Omni and wonder if you’ve been drinking. 

You haven’t. You’re just really tired. And lost. 

But it’s okay. 

It’s a balmy night and the cops aren’t looking to drag you in for anything. 

You’re just a kid who should have stayed to those three lit streets but you were searching for…something. 

And you never found it. 

But Paul Davis is there with you, singing about the “Cool Night” and the “65 Love Affair” which is a special year to you. And you’re really a softie at heart. So his music is sort of perfect for nights like these.

The cops will drive behind you to make sure you get home okay, but really they just want to be sure you aren’t drunk. 

You aren’t. 

You aren’t cool enough to drink and drive. You tried that once and it was way too freaky. 

You just wanna get home and sleep. 

Paul won’t keep you up but he also won’t put you to sleep. 

Thanks for the assist, Paul. And whatever late night DJ that played his music. 


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