Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Visage - Visage

Visage - Visage 


November 10 1980



Genre: SynthWave

4.25 out of 5




The Steps

Considering how many times I’ve seen that album cover in relation to describing the 80s AND how much I adored Gary Numan during this era it’s nettlesome that I have completely missed this record for 40 years. They even show up on that Pete Frame chart and, again, I never looked into them.

This is the natural culmination of a movement, it is the intersecting of David Bowie and Kraftwerk without the dystopia that Numan would key off of. 

This is the sound of digital romance. Flowing shirts and brocade jackets and men in suits with faces painted deathly white. “Fade to Grey” is proof that the discotheque was just waiting for someone to give it a goose. 


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