Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Bad Manners - Loonee Tunes!

 Bad Manners - Loonee Tunes!


November 1980

Bad Manners 

Loonee Tunes!

Genre: 2-Tone

2.75 out of 5



Requisite 80s cover: A perfectly tepid, nearly Esquival version of “Tequila”. Meh. 

Didn’t these guys JUST put out a record? Why another one so fast??

In 1980 there’s quite a bit of Two-Tone stuff going on, with Bad Manners, Specials and Madness. And none of it really sends me to the moon. Of all of them, I hew closer to Madness because, where Bad Manners wants to appear “Loonee”, Madness really pulls it off. 

There are a few fun dance hall moments, like “Back in 60”, but, all in all it’s sort of listless and uninteresting. 


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