Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - The Telefones - Vibration Change

 The Telefones - Vibration Change


November 30 1980

The Telefones

Vibration Change

Genre: New Wave

3.25 out of 5


A Sign of the Times

Rocket Rocket

The Ballad of Jerry Godzilla

A time machine made a bunch of stops in the 50s, the 60s and the late 70s and picked up a bunch of madcap musicians and told them they had to play together and this is the album they came up with. Equal parts garage rock, Blotto, B-52s and The Kinks if they were all replaced by the cast of The Uncle Floyd Show.

This thing is just filled with some of the ugliest attempts at “New Wave” that I’ve ever heard. 

That said, one of the guys in this band went on to be MC 900 Ft. Jesus and we all remember that, right? "If I Only Had a Brain" from Beavis and Butthead? But he’s not on this album. Which might be why it’s so mediocre.

It gets a little more fun at the end but, the crapfest that it took to get to “Pretty Polly” “Rocket, Rocket” and the highlight of the record, “The Ballad of Jerry Godzilla”, which, as the single, is dead last. 


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