Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - The Subhumans - Incorrect Thoughts

 The Subhumans - Incorrect Thoughts


November 1980

The Subhumans (US)

Incorrect Thoughts

Genre: Punk from California

3.5 out of 5


Urban Guerrillas 

My throat hurts listening to this record. I don’t know how you keep this up. 

In 1980 this is exactly the kind of music our parents were worried about. 

But, really, this is just the exact sort of sound that kids who got their hands on those first two Clash albums (you know, the good ones) would want to make. Every track feels like they listened to “Clash City Rockers” or “White Riot” or “Career Opportunities” or “Tommy Gun” and then bashed out an “Urban Guerrillas” or “Freezer Boy” or, well, just about the whole thing. (I could do without “Slave to My Dick”, even in 1980. 

The sound is pretty dated, right? But, I mean, it kind of has to be. It came out of a frustrated time. Income disparity. Working class unappreciated. 

Wait a minute.
The truth is, this music is going to reinvent itself as pop-punk in less than a decade. I’m pretty damned sure there’s a handful of eight year old kids in the Bay Area that are listening to this around this time and, in about 7 years are gonna start a band…

This is the California Subhumans, fyi. 


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