Thursday, September 10, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Poison Girls - Chappaquiddick Bridge

 Poison Girls - Chappaquiddick Bridge


October 1980
Poison Girls
Chappaquiddick Bridge
Genre: Anarcho-Punk Theater
2.25 out of 5

I really wanted this to be terrific. I read up on it just before I put it on. The lead singer, Vi Subversa, was a 44 mother of two when she joined the Poison Girls. I was rooting for the mid-life punker since that was me, too. Not quite as old as Vi when I started my band but, not too far off. I was 40 when we made our album. Hungry times. A single father of a terminally ill daughter. Broke, after wasting a ton of money on…well, I’d rather not say. But it was a lot and I wasn’t paying attention. I really have no idea where it went but it did result in my hyper paranoia about money since then. 
At the lowest depths, that’s when I found the people that saved me and the vessel that would get me through it all: music. 
Ours was also, like Poison Girls, oddly theatrical and I, too, am a child of Ashkenazi Jews. 
Our songs are more singable. But I appreciate Vi. Even if I don’t care for her album. it’s like Crass but by an off Broadway Experimental Theater group.

I’d like to live to 80, like she did, though. 

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