Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Dark Day - Exterminating Angel

 Dark Day - Exterminating Angel


November 11 1980

Dark Day

Exterminating Angel

Genre: Electronic Self-indulgence

2.5 out of 5

I’ve never seen the movie Exterminating Angel. For that matter I’ve never seen The Exterminator but I always wanted to because Robert Ginty was the star and he was on The Paper Chase and I liked The Paper Chase. In fact, I was amazed by The Paper Chase because I really loved that movie but was more intrigued that it became, to my knowledge, the first show to move from a big 3 Network to PBS. And that made it “Important”, right? 

Also, it had John Houseman, who brought the gravitas and Tom Fitzsimmons, an actor who looked like his name should be Franklin Ford III, the character he played, which was perfect casting but also the first time I recall seeing someone with black hair and blue eyes on tv with a visage that so perfectly embodied everything about conservatives in the 80s. 

I always got John Houseman confused with Charles Ludlam. There is no reason for this except that John Houseman looked like he should be named Charles Ludlam.

Is this album over yet? 


I don’t know why this is heralded by anyone. It’s a meandering, uninteresting foray. A lifeless journey that doesn’t care if you pay attention to it or not.

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