Saturday, December 7, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Steve Winwood - Back in the High Life

Steve Winwood - Back in the High Life

May 30 1986
Steve Winwood
Back in the High Life
Genre: Phil Collins
4.5 out of 5

Higher Love
Freedom Overspill
Back in the High Life Again
The Finer Things
Split Decision

“Higher Love” is a catchy tune, no doubt. It’s slick and blue eyed funky. But, instead of being more like Days Hall it sounds like Steve wants to copy Phil Collins. And, look, I liked Phil’s debut record a lot. And I liked No Jacket Required…enough. But this single is almost like a dare to not be compared to Collins. 
Let’s see if the rest of the record is more Arc of a Diver or Talking Back to the Night…
And “Back in the High Life Again” is even more Collins-y than “Love”. Sheesh!

Let me just say that every song is easily 1 minute longer than it needs to be. But if they were shorter that would mean two more songs would be on this record. Is that a bad thing? I can’t tell. But I can say that 7 of the songs on this thing were released as singles. 
And there are only EIGHT SONGS ON IT!!!
But! There’s a good reason. Those singles are all exceptional. With the number of highlights, you’d think this record is a 5. But the extra minute that each one takes to finally fucking end, knocked it down a bit. 

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