Monday, December 30, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Exciter - Unveiling the Wicked

Exciter - Unveiling the Wicked

June 15 1986
Unveiling the Wicked
Genre: Metal
4 out of 5

So, I’m listening to this in an empty house on a Tuesday and it’s going full blast and I find myself reading the manual/rule book for Gloomhaven. 
Now, instructions are my Kryptonite. My brain doesn’t really process that stuff. Doesn’t matter if it’s written out, bullet pointed, graphed, I have a ton of trouble with sorting information. 
But, since I’ve been playing the game for a few weeks now I have a solid bedrock of info to draw on and I can now sift through what was abstract at the beginning and make concrete this unwieldy, holy mess of information. 
Exciter is exactly the sort of band that would attract Gloomhaven players. It’s all…doom. And satanic battles and such. Punishing drums and frettastic mind melting guitar work all in support of one of the highest screeches I have ever heard. 
And here’s what’s weird: I was able to put that in the background and gain higher understanding of the rules. And I don’t know if that’s a testament to my ability to push the album into the background or if it enhanced the reading. 
Somewhere around “Living Evil” I realized: this is the attempted hybridization of Van Hagar and Priest/Maiden.

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