Monday, December 30, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Eurythmics - Revenge

Eurythmics - Revenge

Genre: Rock
4 out of 5

Missionary Man
When Tomorrow Comes 
The Last Time

Perhaps I should have looked at Eurythmics as more than just a singles band for me to reject in my youth. After three really strong records in a row, belying genre pigeon holing, they come up with Revenge. An album so richly produced it shames about 75% of other stuff we’ve been listening to. It’s a factory record. Annie and Dave are the confectioners and they have the formula for the ear candy. 
It’s not Be Yourself Tonight. It’s not even as surprisingly satisfying as Sweet Dreams. But it’s better than In the Garden and I imagine that’s because of the sheer song crafting involved. 

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