Friday, December 20, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Chastain - Ruler of the Wasteland

Chastain - Ruler of the Wasteland

June 1
Ruler of the Wasteland
Genre: Mëtãl!
3.5 out of 5

There Will Be Justice

Turning the thrash dial up to 13 Chastain tries to keep up with what’s going on Ulrich-wise and the result is much muddier than I remember their last one being. 
The pummeling drums remind me that even Priest is going to shift to try to keep up with the times and that’s not always a good thing. 
It all gets pretty monotonous after a while as I fight to even hear the song in the muddy mix of cocaine influenced production. 
They let the foot off the gas for some ballading (“Angel off Mercy”) but before they can breath through some acoustica, they are in full on Screaming Hellion Metal and it’s pretty exhausting. 

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