Monday, December 30, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Piledriver - Piledriver

Piledriver - Piledriver

June 15 1986
Stay Ugly
Genre: Satan’s Metal
4.25 out of 5

The Incubus
The Lord of Abominations

Piledriver is back for one more and, just like before, they nail the genre with tongues firmly planted in cheeks. 
As seriously as other bands take themselves in this style they (all bands with “witch” or “wytch” in their names) Piledriver doesn’t and yet they are more honest about the sheer aggression and lunacy. Its as though Spinal Tap was a shred metal band and they never let anyone in on the joke. 
At just under 30 minutes, Stay Ugly doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. It just about runs out of steam at the end but knows exactly when to close the curtain. 

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