Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook

Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook

November 1984
Jean Michel Jarre
4.5 out of 5

Blah Blah Cafe

Remember that story about my friend who finds Industrial music calming and he can listen to it any time and it helps him relax?
I thought that was weird.
And then, there I was, sitting in the office, headphones on, listening to Zoolook and...boom...I get it.
Jarre does that for me.
Oxygene. Magnetic Fields. And even this one. Not just calming, nearly a zen state.
This time around JMJ is playing with vocal samples and creating a soundscape that I find myself just disappearing into.
It's not my favorite Jarre (that would be Magnetic Fields) and it's not the best Jarre (That would be Oxygene) but it's damned great.

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