Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Onslaught - Power From Hell

Onslaught - Power from Hell

February 1985
Power from Hell
Genre: Death Metal
2.5 out of 5

Death Metal

2 months into the year and this is the FIRST death/satan metal album? Color me surprised. 
Sounding more like a Metallica cover band that only learned Witchfynde songs, Onslaught could be Slayer’s cousin. Just more demon-y.
The band has lofty and epic aspirations. Not only are they singing about the devil but also about Thermonuclear Devastation, which I take it, they are against. And there are a bunch of instrumentals just make me wonder if they couldn’t come with adequate ways to describe a “Skullcrusher” so they just didn’t. And then they just decided to name the next instrumental “Skullcrusher II” cuz, why not?
The playing is fine, not great. The songs are fine, not great. The mix is bad. The production is muddy. I bet they get better, though.
It’s all so tiring. How do 15 year old boys listen to this over and over and NOT want to kill someone? 
And then it ends with an excerpt from Carmina Burana? Why? Why present music that is exponentially better than yours? As an example of your suckage?

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