Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - The Legendary Pink Dots - Asylum

The Legendary Pink Dots - Asylum

1985 Housekeeping
The Legendary Pink Dots
Genre: Post-everything
2 out of 5

I got nothing. 
This is a double album by the band that brought us that obnoxiously semi-interesting album The Tower at the end of 84. Welp, here they are with…opera? Soundtrack to unmade movie? “Femme Mirage” sounds like it was written for a late 70s horror movie and then it turns into…a carousel New Wave track about a psychopath that could be included on…an 80s horror movie?

Side Two opens with what portends to be a neo-classical instrumental but devolves into standard sub-par no wave that we’ve heard from them before. And then devolves into random soundscapes that ends with a riff from “The Jets Song” from West Side Story. Why? I don’t know. I just want it to end...and it does with…classical meets prog meets…Disco? What?

The rest of it is just indulgent people with a lot of studio time who couldn’t even find a way to be as inventive as Pink Floyd or Spirit. 

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