Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Leaving Trains - Well Down Blue Highway

The Leaving Trains - Well Down Blue Highway

1984 Housekeeping
The Leaving Trains
Well Down Blue Highway
3 out of 5

This is what rock and roll is supposed to be. This is actually one of the truest paeans to the punk aesthetic.
This sounds like a band that shambolically got together in a studio one night and hammered out a bunch of their songs that they had been playing in clubs around LA.
I knew bands like this. Everyone did. Everyone does.
It isn't too long before I inevitably think about late 60s garage bands, maybe a bit of Radio Birdman, some Zombies, a touch of X (not a lot) and never as good as any of them.
I'd highlight something but Moreland is such a terrible singer that I just can't force you to listen. Sorry.

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