Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Very Things - The Bushes Scream While My Daddy Prunes

The Very Things - The Bushes Scream While My Daddy Prunes

1984 Housekeeping
The Very Things
The Bushes Scream While My Daddy Prunes
2 out of 5

So this band is listed as a “dada-ist” band. I don’t know what that means. Dada was dedicated to showing the ugliness that Impressionist art and other pastoral forms weren’t depicting during WWI.
To me, something like Swans, as much as I loathe them, are more Dada than this. I mean, I don’t dislike this, it’s pounding, aggressive, self-important post-punk and maybe that’s what Dadaism ultimately is. Who am I to write the label?
I think Adam Ant’s first records are more Dada. Sex Pistols are Dada. McLaren, Fowley, anyone who was trying to upend the status quo while also turning a buck, since I believe the Dada-ists would have happily sold their art for as much as they could.

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