Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Mick Jagger - She's the Boss

Mick Jagger - She's the Boss

February 19 1985
Mick Jagger
She’s the Boss
Genre: Rock?
2.25 out of 5

Why is this so muddy? Why can’t anyone produce Jagger or the Stones right? Everything sounds like it was recorded in an old studio in one take by excellent musicians who really need a better mixing board. 
Just looking at the list of musicians…it’s a murderer’s row of brilliance…all to support Mick Jagger so he can sound like…The Rolling Stones?
The biggest problem with this record is it has no sense of urgency. It sounds like what it is: a record made by a millionaire doing whatever he wants, with no pressure to succeed, playing with house money. 
I know “Just Another Night” was a hit but, come on, it’s really not that good. Let’s all just agree in that, right?
I had “Lucky in Love” as a highlight for a while but…that song is 3 hours long…jeez. 
Why is the back cover a picture of Mick leaning over to change a tv channel from Wheel of Fortune? How is that the choice?

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