Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Saracen - Change of Heart

Saracen - Change of Heart

1984 Housekeeping
Change of Heart
2 out of 5

Prog-metal that really doesn't fit in any one category but that doesn't elevate it, just means that it's sort of got it's toes in all sorts of genres.
Allmusic summed it up perfectly: "Derbyshire's Saracen were a hard, verging on progressive, rock ensemble that became wrongly associated with the New Wave of British Heavy Metal -- as much due to the timing (1981) of their self-released debut album, Heroes, Saints & Fools, as for their leather jackets and handlebar mustaches. "
There's more synthesizers than guitars and that's what softens it. It's like Kansas with a shitty singer and less talented musicians.

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