Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Underground Zer0 - Never Reach for the Stars

Underground Zer0 - Never Reach for the Stars

1984 Housekeeping
Underground Zero
Never Reach the Stars
3.75 out of 5

Seven Light Years (Track 1)
Never Reach the Stars (Track 6)

This one, we thought, was a 90 minute prog rock epic. When I fired it up and looked up the Discogs entry I learned that the actual LP, if it were available to purchase, was 6 tracks.
This link includes a LOT of live stuff at the end.
I decided to play on and, damn, that first track, "Seven Light Years" is unlike a lot of what I heard or was expecting. From what I've read, it's supposed to be like Space Rock version of Hawkwind.
Not to me. That first track reminds me more of Epoxies than anything else. It's New Wave Synth Metal Space Prog and I am down with it.
In fact, if Roger Taylor's Fun in Space was fronted by a woman and had a guitarist's sense of song it might sound a bit like this.
But it does descend into BBC television soundtrack on the second side with the nadir coming on "The Elite", returning at the end with "Never Reach the Stars" which calls to mind the opener. It all works as a whole in that regard.
Full Disclosure: I stopped after 6 tracks, since that is what the actual release is.

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